Note to my Followers, specifically the mobile Tumblr App users....

Note to my Followers, specifically the mobile Tumblr App users....

Note to my Followers, specifically the mobile Tumblr App users. There's a   new dash filter setting affecting you. Tumblr's new dashboard preference "best stuff first" was rolled out recently. Unbeknownst to many, this automatically defaults to being on, and overrides the chronological order of your dash, and filters what you are seeing. If you want to see all of our posts and continue to be inspired, please turn the setting off. Don't let them smother our content. And pass the word on! I can only hope you are seeing this! These settings can only be found on the app, and only affect how Tumblr works on the app. But this is how the vast majority of people access tumblr and I would assume it makes an impact. On the mobile app, click on the cog/gear and go to global settings. Select Dashboard Preferences, and in Best Stuff First  TURN THE SLIDER OFF.
